Sunday, May 2, 2010

May day Trading Post

Once again, we have beautiful weather for the Laurel Street Trading Post yesterday. Temperatures were in the eighties, and sun hats and flip flops abounded. I failed in my attempt to have a May pole celebration, and while I feel really bad about false promises, it didn't seem to be missed. The warm weather encouraged more lazing about, rather than active dancing. I really enjoyed spending time chatting with traders, both old timers and new timers, which I often don't get a chance to do. I also thoroughly enjoyed spending most of my time camped out under the arbor, in the SHADE, just watching others exchanging goods. Another highlight was helping Julia D plant her first seeds. She acquired pots, soil and purple pole runner and nasturtium seeds at the post, and walked away with them all potted up and watered and ready to go. It made me think that we should have activities and supplies available for future trading posts. Maybe a potting table, or some other sort of craft/building station. Any ideas?

Carolyn suggested adding a message board to the TP website. I couldn't agree more, I think this is a fantastic idea and could make our trading hours more successful. Currently folks show up with their items, hoping that someone present will be interested in what they brought that month. You never know what will be there. But with a message board, folks could post the things they will be bringing, or that they are looking for. That way your items are not just a shot in the dark, and it is less likely you would haul that awesome push lawn mower all the way to Somerville, find that no one there that month evens owns a lawn, and have to bring it back home again. I am positive someone out there would kill for that lawn mower, but they weren't there that day. I would love to set this up, but am limited now by the IT part. Does anyone know how to set something like this up?

Free seeds for everyone!

James and I scored a ton of awesome stuff: seitan, wicker basket, nut butter bread (made by Devon with the nut butter and bread machine that she acquired at last month's trading post, it's coming full circle!), pickled garlic, sweet potatoes, peach jam, and some clothes. I felt like royalty bringing my bounty back upstairs.

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